Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can have harmful effects on kids’ IQ

Alcohol consumption by women during pregnancy could have a harmful effect on the IQ of their unborn children, a recent research indicated. It was found that even moderate consumption of alcohol per week during the first few months of pregnancy could be detrimental to the cognitive development of the unborn child.

The study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and the University of Washington, It revealed that children, whose mothers consumed about 2-6 drinks per week during pregnancy, had a lower IQ as opposed to children whose mothers didn’t consume alcohol at all during their pregnancy, especially during second trimester. This was more prominent among African-American children compared to Caucasian children.

According to the lead investigator of the study, Jennifer Willford, an experimental psychologist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine the reason for the lower IQ in African American children could purely be related to genetics.

The research conducted on 611 mother-child pairs, monitored women during each trimester of pregnancy. Even after child birth these women we reassessed again, this time along with their children at birth and consequently at 8 months and 18 months, and 3,6 and 10 years of age. At age 10 the child’s IQ was evaluated on the basis of verbal, quantitative, and short-term memory tests.

It was found out that prenatal alcohol exposure could result in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and the conclusion drawn was that even modest alcohol consumption especially during the second trimester could have harmful consequences on a child’s IQ.

Highlighting this fact Jennifer Willford said “Although a small but significant percentage of children are diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome each year, many more children are exposed to alcohol during pregnancy who do not meet criteria for FAS yet experience deficits in growth and cognitive function,”

On the other hand,Tom Donaldson, a spokesman for the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, however in a statement mentioned that the harmful effects on cognitive development of the child ‘can be a problem in any household where alcohol is consumed,’ which contradicts the fact that this problem is based on genetics.

AVE info: Alkoholi tarvitamine raseduse ajal võib lapse IQ-le halvasti mõjuda

Hiljuti avaldatud uurimus kinnitab, et alkoholi tarvitamine raseduse ajal võib omada halba mõju veel sündimata lapse IQ-le. Avastati, et isegi mõõdukas alkoholi tarvitamine nädalas raseduse esimeste kuude jooksul võib vigastada sündimata lapse kognitiivset arengut.

Pittsburghi ja Washingtoni Ülikoolis läbiviidud uurimuse põhjal selgus, et lastel, kelle emad tarvitasid raseduse ajal mõõdukalt alkoholi, oli madalam IQ, võrreldes lastega, kelle emad alkoholi ei tarvitanud, ja seda eriti raseduse teise trimestri jooksul.

Uurimus hõlmas 611 ema ja lapse paari. Emasid jälgiti terve raseduse jooksul. Emad ja lapsed vaadati üle lapse sündimisel, seejärel lapse 8-kuuseks saamisel, 18-kuuseks saamisel ning siis 3,6-aastaseks saamisel ning ka 10. eluaastal. 10-aastaseid lapsi hinnati verbaalse, kvantitatiivse ja lühiajalise mälu testidega.

Leidis kinnitust, et lapse sünnieelne kokkupuude alkoholiga võib kaasa tuua fetaalse alkoholi sündroomi (FAS) ning tehti järeldus, et ka väga madal alkoholi tarvitamine, eriti raseduse teise trimestri ajal, võib põhjustada lapse madalama IQ taseme.

Rõhutades seda fakti, ütles uurimuse juht Jennifer Willford: “Kuigi igal aastal diagnoositakse väiksel, kuid märkimisväärsel hulgal lastel FAS, esineb palju enamatel lastel, kes sünnieelsel perioodil omasid kokkupuudet alkoholiga, kuid kes ei vasta FAS-i kriteeriumitele, kasvu ja kognitiivse funktsiooni puudulikkust.”

“Paljud naised on kuulnud FAS-ist ning teavad, milline risk kaasneb alkoholi tugeva tarvitamisega. Kuna aga ükski uurimus ei ole kinnitanud “turvalist” alkoholikogust, mis ei seaks loodet ohtu, võime ainult öelda, et kõige turvalisem on alkoholi tarvitamisest täielikult hoiduda,” ütles dr Willford.